The heart of a mother was stolen today by two young men. The first, a dashing young fellow, age 6, treated her to a gourmet meal in the Rossville Elementary School cafeteria. They gazed in each other's eyes with love and appreciation over a dimly lit room (teacher turned the lights off for talking:P) while enjoying heart shaped
cold chicken nuggets, green beans,
frozen succulent strawberries, a glitter dusted sugar cookie and milk a la strawberry. The second gentleman to wisp her off her feet was a soft spoken little man, age 4, who sang to her a new and improved version of Mr. Golden Sun while enjoying an afternoon of games complete with ISpy, Guess Who and Connect Four. They shared a bowl of raspberry frozen yogurt over a piece of Valentine's Day Cake provided by the fabulous chefs at Target Bakery. It was an amazing afternoon for the young woman as she tried to appreciate every moment, knowing that next year will be much different and that these young men will grow up quickly and soon ask another to be their Valentine for the day. What an honor it was to share this special day with them. A day I will never but they may soon ..forget. Loads of love to the two youngest men in my life...Jalen and Jameson. Mommy loves you now and forever. Happy Valentine's Day.

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